Profile ![]() Farrah Faith Ibrahim 31 dec mixed parentage capricon loves the family huge goofball loves the sun and water total makeup junkie total cluts loves long walks on the beach loves coffee loves to laugh,smile love life,getting dressed up made up,and having a ball people who knows me think i m INSANE people who don't know me think i am a SNOB i'll let you decide very particular about certain things travelling is my passion if you give me shit i'll smack you stupid ___________________________________ My Friends
ASHIE CHANEL CHERYL DARYL ALEXIUS DEANISE EILEEN EQA FAI FARSH FIEZA FERA FREDA HANIS IZZA JILL SYMONS KAISHA KUSS LYDEEIA LEEA MELANIE PEREIRA NAZIRAH RAMIREZ RICHARD J SHEEDA SHERILYN LIM TANYA BEINS MYSPACE My memories 12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006 01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006 02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006 03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006 04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006 05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006 06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006 07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006 08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006 09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006 10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006 11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006 12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007 01/01/2007 - 02/01/2007 02/01/2007 - 03/01/2007 03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007 04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007 05/01/2007 - 06/01/2007 06/01/2007 - 07/01/2007 07/01/2007 - 08/01/2007 08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007 09/01/2007 - 10/01/2007 10/01/2007 - 11/01/2007 11/01/2007 - 12/01/2007 12/01/2007 - 01/01/2008 01/01/2008 - 02/01/2008 02/01/2008 - 03/01/2008 03/01/2008 - 04/01/2008 04/01/2008 - 05/01/2008 05/01/2008 - 06/01/2008 06/01/2008 - 07/01/2008 07/01/2008 - 08/01/2008 08/01/2008 - 09/01/2008 09/01/2008 - 10/01/2008 10/01/2008 - 11/01/2008 11/01/2008 - 12/01/2008 12/01/2008 - 01/01/2009 01/01/2009 - 02/01/2009 02/01/2009 - 03/01/2009 03/01/2009 - 04/01/2009 04/01/2009 - 05/01/2009 05/01/2009 - 06/01/2009 06/01/2009 - 07/01/2009 07/01/2009 - 08/01/2009 08/01/2009 - 09/01/2009 09/01/2009 - 10/01/2009 10/01/2009 - 11/01/2009 11/01/2009 - 12/01/2009 12/01/2009 - 01/01/2010 01/01/2010 - 02/01/2010 02/01/2010 - 03/01/2010 06/01/2010 - 07/01/2010 ______________________________________ FaceBook Me Farrah Faith ![]() Create Your Badge:
___________________________________________________________________ Wednesday, January 31, 2007
hey hey people well today was like so fun i mean really ever felt like since you dnt have any work or deadlines to meet and you're free to do what ever you want? that was how i felt today with martha and souher initially i was to meet souher and pass her IC back to her in the end we went to east coast met her and Sarah(her gorgeous friend) and then Sarah had to leave so me souher and martha hung out at East Coast then all came to the conclusion to go swimming but go parkway first so we cabbed to parkway souher bought a top and i tried on a dress then we headed to my condo for a swim after about 15,20 mins we came out of the water cause we couldn't tahan the coldness so we decided to have a mini suntan and took pictures the we all had craving for KFC which we went to Siglap's KFC and i tell you i'll nevergo there again why?? cause there were this 2 minah at the counter serving they were totally and completely rude,arrogant i mean comon sense will tell you if i ordered 2 chesses fries i need to forks and if you give me one hello!!!! and they chuck my chesse fries and waited for me to take it and the quote saying "aku malas la nak send" if you are so lazy why work right???? so souher complained to the manager and when the 2 gerls came out the showed us that face after KFC we headed to gelare to get ice cream i m waiting for martha to send the pictures from today well thats all chao ___________________________________________________________________ Sunday, January 28, 2007
the weekends was a blast so sad that it has to end well had a study/chill date with martha today which was like so much fun and on friday i gt a gift frm souher it was a POLO RALPH LAUREN thanks babe clubbing yesterday at MOS was fun i saw like so many Lambos,ferraris,BMW......the list can go on and i also saw alot and i mean ALOT! of hot eurasians boys and the dancing and the music was fun met alot of people i know but the best thing was that i was with my bestie,my bro and my super cool mummy which was like dancing and shanking what god gave her on friday i met afiq and we gave souher a surprise at her werk place she was happy. nth much happen on satuday i was like sleeping the whole day here are some pictures ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() hotstud!!!!!! ![]() ![]() i have so much more pictures but i m like so lazy to post well thats all god bless and have a blessed week ahead ___________________________________________________________________ Saturday, January 27, 2007
WOOHOO!!!!!! I M GOING TO MOS TODAY!!!! with my bestie and my brother will update later much love ___________________________________________________________________ Thursday, January 25, 2007
hey hey!!! well these few days have been really heart wrenching for me why?? well simply because i have too see my bestie being heartbroken,me myslef hating all the guys i like before. and just not being able to focus on my studies knowingly that no matter how hard i try my problems just seem unending. i can now only trust a handful of people,which i m like so not going to name names. people whom i was close to just ain't that way anymore sorie if i m boring some ofyou people i really just can't take keeping everything inside sometime i wanna cry sometimes i wanna laugh sometimes i m lost sometime i m confused sometimes i try so hard to be there only to realise that i m nt needed i have learnt to only rely on oneself and no one else what is the most heart wrenching is that why do people lie to you just to hurt you??? ryte now i hate people who lie i just hate alot of people who all they do is sit and judge people when they themselves arent that good.. i m happy to be meeting souher tml gorgeous!!no matter what i love you okey?? nowi m getting and putting the pieces of my shattered life back together hoping that when its all pieced back it might make a hole lotta sense at whats happening oh and one more thing we are all put on this earth not for everyone to like or love but to do what god wants us to do and eventhough no one likes you remember god will always love you thats all i gotta say peace out farrah-licious-ness ___________________________________________________________________ Monday, January 22, 2007
well hello to everyone reading my entry so yesterday was like so fun hot and just such a beautiful day so me and martha went swimming and tanning for abt a hour which was like totally enought to have tan marks we went home at abt 4 and then had a bath changed and meet up again to head to gelare to have sandwhich and ice cream then we played with the functions on marthas camera here are the pictures here are some thoughts i have been having lately maybe to some people it may seem like i m distancing myslef away from them its just the fear of hurting them or even more so losing them is a grief i m nt ready to go through i have also been thinking that for most of my life,time and energy had been channeled to something i m trying to force and that is boys,boys and boys!! yes, i admit that maybe i have been engrossed in finding someone perfect and having the perfect life and finally realising that hey! i don't want a cute guy to contact me or vice versa cause of something else and not the fact that the like me for me where has all these thoyght come from just from these pass few days experience!! and finally today i realised I DON'T NEED A MAN TO MAKE ME HAPPY all i need is my family and my besties and the people who treasure me maybe to some i m being slefish but u know what i dnt give a damn sometimes we need to think about ourselves its nt wrong but its not right if ou do it too much well these are my thought who who don't agree with me i m sorry but this is my blog and i have every right to say what i feel and want byes ___________________________________________________________________ Saturday, January 20, 2007
hey hey!!!!! well todays meeting with souher and martha was like totally unexpected here's what happen got up early today then mum wanted to like head down to pakway so i decided to follow but before that we stopped by the office for awhile before heading to parkway at parkway first stop was to isetan and one of the staff there was like totally and completly racist as in since my mum is like chindian she was like treating my mum totally different and as her daughter with mix parentage i was outraged at her behaviour i mean like hello we're contributing to your salary too you know arghhh!!!!! *clenches fists* and we're paying cutomers well enough of the bad stuff so at parkway since mum wanted to get her perfume and also for my dad and guess what i got *drum rolls* incarto charms and Lauren style(minature) after that we headed home at home: i was bored and since my brother and sister were out i decided to make plans and since martha and souher have not seen each other in ages so we plan to meet up in town so me and martha met at like 4.30 then we took bus 36 to town and met souher at 5.45 so here are some pictures ![]() ![]() well thats about all the tyme i kinda have so now i m going to watch step-up ___________________________________________________________________
MORNING!!!!!its a beautiful day yesterday's outing eventhough Luc was like really really really late let's say 2 hours late *slaps forehead* the outing was fun i really don't know why i love the vintage feel so much well me and souher went window shopping yesterday at Far east i met souher at 6.30 after work i saw my lesbian partner *chuckles* dont worry i aint lesbian well she's like really nice and she's cherly(my bestie in like primary school)besties so we were like talking and laughing so after that we decided to head to ralph lauren i saw the bag that my ex-bf wanted to buy for me and souher asked if they have it in black and they said the one at taka has it in black so me and souher like crazy ran out of the shop and i almost had a minor accident great huh??? well i m like so in love with juicy couture all thanks to gorgeous souher so we,i meant i had dinner at Long John the salad whcih halfway thru i was already full so we had a great talk abt our week then it was picture-taking shopping ermmm.... i meant window shopping well that all i m like too tired to type but here are some pictures ![]() at guess kids with ana.ina and luc ![]() ![]() ina and ana had to wait for the contractor to do the flooring which was like until 3 am so that what ana did while waiting outisde guess kids ![]() ![]() our juicys ![]() love it,live it ![]() ![]() some kinda candid shots ![]() ![]() luc who's new years resolution is to drink more water ![]() souher well thats about all that i have. byes p.s:afiq you were missed by us much love ___________________________________________________________________ Friday, January 19, 2007
hey hey gorgeous people!!!! well i am much happier today!!!! wanna know whY?? well its all been cleared and the fact that all the lies and deceit are finally over at least for like now so i m just gonna enjoy every moment of it actually the one person that i must like thank for all of these is my dearest abang Hafeez cause without him i would have done nothing about the situation and just left everybody which was all ready to do eventhough i made and hurt alot of people and that is something i rarely admit to doing all the pass abt bfs and all came into the picture it was something i wld never forget and now martha is going to england and i'll be losing the bestest friend i ever had i was all ready to be a loner and they were like no i was like so pantat gatal wanting to go to school all alone and hanis asked why so i was like dnt worie i aint disabled just i wanted to see how it felt t be alone honestly it felt good maybe i'll do it more often heh! well folks i'd love to stay and blog more but i am gonna meet souher at like 6.30 so i gotta go and get ready ___________________________________________________________________ Thursday, January 18, 2007
well this is the pass and in more happier times right now i dunnoe anything all i need is just tyme and not people controlling me all i want is for everybody to help me well whatever happen now it happens for the best..... 2 years were great maybe it time or maybe its me being paranoid p.s:i'll always pray that ur ok but it's tyme la ___________________________________________________________________ Tuesday, January 16, 2007
its tuesday and i have exams and alot of accounting to do which is sometime fustrating when u can't get the hang of it *slaps forhead* well what to do and i have my elective exam on thursday *pauses* which reminds me that i haven't actuall started studying damn i m like so dead aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs around like mad* well hopefully it'll be easy than the last one *prays* well i am like very bored so this is the only entry that i can come up with and please understand if it doesn't make sense my apologies ___________________________________________________________________ Monday, January 15, 2007
here i am once again i m blogging just cause i m bored at home so today started out pretty good and i saw my guy friend just now i knew that during the weekend he was really down alot of people was down during the weekend and they know that no matter what i will oways be there for them especially my lovely apek who for the first time stress and bought a war in iraq book which i thought was like really funny!!!! but i mean well so during the weekends also they were some mishaps like not meeting my other halfes for like almost a week bummer!! its ok i will be meeting souher and afiq on wednesday woohoo!!!! well thats kinda all that i have to like blog about so far monday rocks!!!! ___________________________________________________________________ Sunday, January 14, 2007
well i was just browsing thru some folder in my computer and came across some pictures which i had totally forgot abt so here they are : ![]() ![]() family moment!! ![]() cousins ![]() tipsy,whipsy,pipsy!!!!!! ![]() love u alyssa.... ![]() well i'm finding more but for now thats all ___________________________________________________________________ Wednesday, January 10, 2007
well here's a damn good update if you know that you will get scolded when u tell people that you wanna sell their stuff why still tell them and get scolded ryte??? agreed?? and why do u also tell other people that it was other peoples idea to sell their stuff when it was actually yours?? i know u miss him and i know u love him more now i now noe u want him back so y do u do all of this when today marks to 2 years i have known u? why?why?why? that's all thats in my mind now at times i really want to believe you but u make it so hard to that at times i m lost everybody tells me i m lucky to have u still by my side how about me i have put all the shit u've done behind me sometimes all i can do is shake my head and finally he knows the truth only god know what will happen next i love u but i m trying to move on in my life i think u shld do the same ___________________________________________________________________ Tuesday, January 09, 2007
here i am on a raining Tuesday evening blogging so hang out with the gang yesterdae so the pictures of me and afiq will be posted update: school's been great i know what i did wrong and i promised the one guy that knows me that it'll never happen again and all i wanna say is thanks for looking out for me to my other "abg" sorie for everything and i shouldn't have walked away from you just now it was very fustrationg when u raise your voice at me and no one has ever done that before on the other hand today was so great i was stoning in the cafe and hot boys alert woohoo *wipes forehead* too bad i wnt wanna be in any serious relationship anytime soon i got to know this guy who really hot and really friendly. so for right now i m just gonna enjoy being like SINGLE AND LEGAL!!!!!! yay baby..... souher we have to go clubbing so my son Redza(souhers bf) and souher my bestie are going strong on saturday will be their 1 month aniversary which i m so proud and happy for like both of them i have never seen souher so contented and happy until redza came along afiq...i totally agree with souher u have to get signed on with a modelling agency cuz u're like so HOTT!!!!! ur our Teddy Tequila and i want june to like come asap!!!!! hello someone wants to be like LEGAL!!!! p.s my dog just underwent surgery and im missin him eventhough he is like otw home teddy and paris!!!!! ___________________________________________________________________ Monday, January 08, 2007
well thats my new hair cut school's finally started no more late night outings only on weekends met souher(nicole richie) and afiq(Teddy Tequila) at tampines just now that's when drama happened..... Don't really wanna get into details so it was really fun at tampines but since i promised my mummy dearest that i'd be home at 3.30 i cabbed home at like 3.15 got home surprisingly mum was home doing nothing but siting on the sofa and kinda like stonning i was so tired i dosed off while reading a very interesting book and only woke up at like 6.30 fed my doggy dearest and had dinner and the it was computer tyme!!!!! no more drama in my life it all ended today!!!!!! ___________________________________________________________________ Thursday, January 04, 2007
Dear friend, whats on your mind? You don't laugh the way, you use to. And I thought I saw you cry. Dear friend, I feel so helpless. I see you sit in silence, as you face new pain eachday. I feel theres nothing I, can do.I know you don't feel pretty......even though you are....Dear friend, you are so precious... dear friend.And dear friend..i'm here for you. I know that we don't talk too much. But we can share this day..anew. Dear friend, please don't feel likeyour alone. There is someone who is praying,praying for your peace of mine. Hoping joy is what, you'll find. this is something i have done and i have to make things right no matter what the circumstances are i promised u and now i will have to break it as seeing u smile means more to me that anything else if u want him u can have him i love you so fucking much that no matter what i didn't want all this to happen ![]() i love u Nur Hanis Insyirah bte Razali i'll sacrifice the world for u and want nothing in return ___________________________________________________________________
hello people first of all Happy Belated New Year this whole week has been really crazy i mean ya i screwed up and all but you people have know fucking ryte to judge me and her u have ur say fine i dont really give a fuck anymore well i have alot to say but all of a sudden i don't know what to say i have to make a decision quick! here i am finally happy for the first tyme in so long and there drama why can't i be happy and not have any drama i m finally legal to -club -drink like finally!!!!!!!! well on my bithday itself me souher afiq fin redza and fins bf were having fun eventhough it was for a little while souher and afiq had 5 tequilas which to AFIQ it wasnt enough and afiq was drunk and dancing like whoah!!!!! there are alot of pictures but i shall just post some ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |